Innovation has become a priority of the first order for the business world. But what is innovation? For us it is not just a moment of genius, but of how to convert that moment into a practical reality.
Our strategy in pursuit of innovation is not based on ourselves: is based on helping our customers become innovators in the long run. That is a genius.
Grupo Soluciones Innova S.A., helps companies to develop and deploy business, infrastructure and device software, through a combination of best practices, tools and software engineering services.
In this way, companies can create software more quickly, allowing them to achieve the necessary quality to fully satisfy all its customers and users.
This unique and fully integrated solution simplifies the process of acquisition, implementation and support of a robust software development platform, which reduces the total cost of ownership.
Services provided by
Grupo Soluciones Innova S.A. allow you to expedite adoption and implementation, because they offer a practical knowledge in international project teams.
Our highly qualified professionals, contribute with their experience and transfer of technological know-how, in any stage of the projects life cycle; offering training, consulting in products and services, mentoring and coaching as well as its worldwide recognized technical support.
We provide training, consulting, Mentoring, and Coaching services with different reaches depending on the situation and needs of the client, whereas information technology strategy, ranging from small improvements in short intervals to ambitious objectives of quality improvements.
Both ranges are combined in an iterative and incremental approach that allows, in a strategic framework, to get significant improvements in a reasonable time dealing with each increment on results achieved, strong bases, and lessons learned from previous iterations.
The basis of our work is based on models recognized, such as CMM and the CMMI and even ISO 29110 and on best practices used by leading international companies. We assist our clients at all stages of a process of improvement, from setting the context and communicate to the Organization, up to the implementation of the improvements and their validation.
Grupo Soluciones Innova S.A. is in unbeatable conditions offer the Recovery Plan disaster and business continuity supported by better market software applications capable of managing, supporting and implementing contingency plans that ensure ideal conditions for your business continuity.
- Process Improvement (SEI-CMMI, ITIL, RUP, etc.)
- Implementation and/or Oversight of QA Process/Methods (SEI-CMMI, ISO 29110, RUP, ITIL, etc.)
- Configuration Management, Change Management, Release Management...
- Outsourcing of Independent Software Testing Services
- Consulting, Training and Staff Augmentation
- Test Automation and Test Tool Implementation
- Compliance Assessment (Consulting for validation of compliance with government and international organizations regulations) (BCRA, SOX, HIPAA, etc.)
- Project and Program Management (PMBOK, EVM, etc.)
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
- Software Development and Tailor-made Solutions
Grupo Soluciones Innova S.A. is Advanced Business Partner of IBM, whose Rational brand is a world leader in "Software Engineering Best Practices".
Rational, simplifies the process of purchase, implement, and sustain a comprehensive development platform, through a combination of tools, services and best practices in software engineering.
Rational has integrated the use of best practices within the processes involved in the Rational Unified Process (RUP).
Conjugamos la visión estratégica con la rápida identificación de oportunidades de mejora implementables en el corto plazo, con el objetivo de optimizar el retorno de la inversión realizada por el cliente en nuestros servicios de Consultoría, Mentoring y Coaching; como grupo interdisciplinario, estamos preparados para ofrecer las soluciones de más alta calidad que satisfagan todas las necesidades y requerimientos de nuestros clientes, tanto con nuestros productos como con nuestros servicios.
Quality services are obtained through our dedication to our employees who in turn provide complete customer satisfaction to our "Technology Partners".
As a result of over more then 15 years of providing our Quality Assurance & Software Testing services,
Grupo Soluciones Innova S.A. has developed many relationships resulting in access to the areas brightest talent.
When given the opportunity to provide you with our services, we pledge to be responsive and thorough in understanding and responding rapidly to your needs.
Together we can assure that you develop the highest quality and more secure applications and systems.